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1. What is the current state of EBOLA and how can the US MMFA supporters help if we communicate the needs?


2. What is the state of the church and school and what can the US MMFA supporters do to help?


3. What are the plans for additional branches of MMFA (other church/school locations) and how can the US MMFA supporters help?


4. What should Kollie try to accomplish while here (for example, get on a call with Tabernacle church and inform them of the situation and thank them for their support)?



Please send me your Skype addresses, so I can document them on our publications...  Also, I'll need a copy of your BIO Kollie...

Conference Agenda

Friday, January 9, 2015

4:00PM MST

6:00PM EST

11:00PM GMT


MMFA 501(c)(3)


Ron Fleming

MMFA Chairman

Cross Link Group
Colorado Springs 
(719) 930-9725

Skype: ronfleming777


Rev. David Ballah
MMFA Pastor, President

MMFA Church School Clinic
Monrovia, Liberia

Skype: reserved


Henry Koryan
MMFA Board of Directors

Federal Express
North Carolina
(973) 981-6059

Skype: henry.koryan1


Kollie Massayan Sorsor
MMFA Board of Directors

Monrovia, Liberia

Skype: reserved


Mulley Reed
MMFA Board of Directors

Miller & Tauzon, LLC 
Washington, DC
(571) 438-1379

Skype: abbloh33



Bishop Bob Coulter, TMCI Pastor

South Carolina Headquarters

Denver, CO

Newark, NJ

Monrovia, Liberia

Washington, DC

Conference Call Numbers

North Carolina

Kollie Massayan Sorsor
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